Yeah, I know, it’s been awhile since I blogged. Like…almost a month. I have no excuse, really. I mean, I do – I’ve been sick and busy. That’s pretty much it. Lazy, too, really. Comes with being busy.
But what also comes with being busy is stuff getting done. I can’t tell you what stuff that is, because I don’t know – I don’t really see a lot of progress around here, so whatever I’ve been doing for the last month didn’t make a dent in my laundry. I’ll have to look into that. Anyway! I’m here now to share a few things with you. Here they are, in chronological order:
Thing 1) My Editor of Awesome, Skyla Dawn Cameron, has a book out today. Go buy it, read it, and love it. Buy her backlist, too. Just because. I mean, she has to eat if she’s going to be able to edit the books I write, so it’s win/win here. If you just don’t have the money this month, you’re in luck. Mel’s World is having a giveaway, as is Books Make Me Happy. Go enter and check out all the freebies offered with it!
Thing 2) So remember back in December when I won the Book of the Week award from Long and Short Reviews? Well, because of that awesome win (again, thank you, fans!), I’ve been nominated for the Book of the Year award. From their email:
Congratulations! Your book ALL WOUNDS received a “BEST BOOK” rated review last year and earned a spot in our LASR Best Book of 2011 poll. The voting will run from February 16 through 29, ending at midnight Eastern time on February 29.
Now, I’m up against some awesome authors, including my own Editor of Awesome, so I in no way expect to win this award/poll. But, if you’re feeling generous and want to toss a shout-out my way, I’d be appreciative. I’m in the “non-erotic” category on the left side of the poll.
Thing 3) I have a book coming out in two weeks.
Light in a Dark World: Legends of the Destrati is a collection of my short stories focusing on the various members of the vampire clan Destrati and its associates. Kyle will feature prominently.
This collection will be available from Mundania Press March 6, 2012. Note: In addition to three completely new stories, those previously published in the Mammoth books are available edited, rewritten, and extended in this anthology.
There are a lot of other differences between these stories and what I’ve written before, and you may not like it. Just be aware of that, and be sure and read the author’s note before reading the stories.
And there you have it! All the news I have at the moment.
Well, all the news I can remember at the moment. Cold medicine plays havoc with one’s mental faculties.