Hi, again, everyone!
(Wow, two posts in two months. I’m starting to scare myself with all this visibility!)
Remember last time I told you about the previous version of the cover of my upcoming sci-fi novel, The Silverthorn Protocol, being potentially AI-generated so my cover artist and I pulled it before publication? I promised I’d share the new cover when it was ready, and today is that day.
It may seem like it was a quick turnaround, and it really was given that redoing a cover wasn’t on the agenda for either me or artist/editor/handler Skyla this late in the year, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. Time was spent on both our parts sourcing new (non-AI-generated) images and mulling over concepts. Skyla sent me some links to the stock image sites she prefers and had me pick out what I liked from some truly amazing galleries. After taking an evening narrowing my choices down (and there were SO MANY BEAUTIFUL IMAGES I WANTED ALL OF THEM IT WAS SO HARD I DON’T SEE HOW SHE MAKES THESE DECISIONS ALL THE TIME), I sent her a list of links to the ones I thought best illustrated the novel’s premise and said, “Do your thing.”
My darklings…it’s magic. Witchcraft. Sorcery. I have no idea how she knows what I want and makes it happen, but she does. The cover I’m about to show you is exactly what I had in mind when I sent her my top choices.
Look at this beautiful thing. I thought the previous cover was exactly what I wanted. I was wrong, and the universe (no pun intended) knew it. This is what I really wanted. This right here:
Every time I look at it I see something new that delights me, and I know it’s going to look amazing on my shelf when I get the hard copy version. I plan a paperback release soon after the ebook (still looking at mid-November, but given circumstances that might need to be pushed back a bit — I’ll keep you posted), then possibly a hardcover depending on sales/interest.
And there you are.
Oh, wait! I promised you a spooky sale, didn’t I? Well, turns out, one of my books was chosen for a month-long Halloween sale over on Kobo.
Legends of the Destrati: The Complete Collection is part of Kobo’s Paranormal Buy One Get One sale through the 31st!
If you like vampires, hellhounds, werewolves, ghosts, general spookiness and other paranormal things that go bump in the night, there’s something over there for you! Scroll through the categories in the various carousels (I’m under the “Pull an all nighter” category, because mine is a collection that might indeed keep you up all night. You’ve been warned!) and see what bites you. (Be careful; some bites may cause zombification, vampirism, or lycanthropy.)
In addition to the US, readers in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada are all eligible for this sale. If the above link doesn’t open for you, click the flag icon at the top of the page and choose which country works for you!
That’s all for now, my darklings. Enjoy your October, no matter how you observe!
Until next time.
P.S. I’ve got a shiny little thing in the works involving a pink dress (don’t ask), a challenge (look, it was 2020, okay?), and making good on a promise. Patrons will get it first, but I’ll make it available to all not long after they get to see it. Watch this space.