Remember a couple weeks ago I said things would be spiffing up around here?
2) Speaking of spiffing up, you should be seeing some new shinies around here soon, courtesy of my handler/enabler/Platonic Murder Wife, Skyla Dawn Cameron of IndigoChick Designs. You’ve heard of her before, and if you haven’t, shame on you. Go buy her books and hire her for amazing things.
Well, after *mumblemumble* years of benign neglect, my home on the Interwebs has gotten a much-needed makeover. Check it out! (Seriously, click on my name up there and scroll down the homepage to see the gorgeousness!) And look! *points to sidebar (or below this post if you’re on your phone)* You can now subscribe to my blog, not just the Very Random Newsletter! We live in the future!
The Internet is a weird place (as we all know), and things are constantly changing, updating, coming, and going. For a long time (especially the last couple years, because reasons, am I right?) this space has been mostly ignored, as not only was nothing really happening on the writing front, but there wasn’t much happening, period, except some crafting things, binge watching, Dungeon Mastering, and lots of tea drinking.
I do hang out on Skyla Dawn Cameron’s Discord server on Saturday afternoons for weekly write-in sessions, which you are welcome to join if you subscribe to her Patreon. For only a dollar, you can be in the room where the magic happens, either to work on your own writing project or just hang with some writers who are. The Saturday Night Write-Ins are where a few of us writer types gather for three forty-five-minute writing sprints (with fifteen-minute breaks between them). During the sprints there’s no talking/chatting in the room (though we do have a voice channel to use during the breaks), and we post the progress we have (or haven’t) made during the sprint. We’re coming up on our one year anniversary next month, and can boast 5 completed projects this year alone. (That’s a book a month for the year, people. Accountability works!) If you’ve got a writing project you’d like to work on, a dollar a month is way less than a gym membership, helps feed Skyla’s cats, and gets you writing.
One of those completed projects is mine. I’ve got another a little over a third of the way done, and the bloody enablers over there have me working on a completely new one because one thing led to another and shit happened and it was all their fault. So join us, maybe. All it will cost you is your soul a dollar. Click on the pic below and begin your descent into madness (if you’re not there already).
Those writerly things I mentioned in the previous post? Yeah. Those came out of the weekly write-ins. Because of them (okay, because of Skyla, let’s be honest), Death Knell is no longer “postponed,” but “forthcoming.” If the Stranger Things series is your jam, there’s another book on the way. I’m hoping to have it out as a Halloween treat.
*is handed note*
Apparently it is now May. Huh.
I should…go…now. I need more tea.