Note: Before contacting me, please see my Comment Policy.
dina [at] dinajames [dot] com
For critique services, please use crits [at] dinajames [dot] com
If you’ve read my medical blog posts or my writing guide to medical mayhem and have a question for Dr. Dina, please note that this is a service I provide only to vetted writers I know personally or who have been referred to me by someone who can vouch for them. Medical writing critiques (fiction only — I do not review or edit medical journal articles) are not a service I offer, however if you would like a critique of your medical scene or to ask me a question regarding a (fictional — I am no longer certified as I no longer work in the health care profession and will not and cannot give personal medical advice) medical issue, contact me at the crits address above to discuss a consultation fee. I am a former health care professional and I bill for my time accordingly. (Initial consultations start at $100, so you might want to check with Dr. Google before you ask Dr. Dina.)
Dina James
5 N Hwy 101 #360
Warrenton, OR 97146 USA
Feel free to send me your books and I’ll sign them and send them back to you. Please include postage!
I feel I must mention that I only check my post office box a couple times a month, so it might take awhile for me to get anything sent to it! It’s always a good idea to e-mail me and let me know you sent your books, or include YOUR e-mail in whatever you send so I can offer profuse apologies at my tardiness. I get horribly busy and don’t always have time to get to the post office!
Oh, and if you want my (very) random newsletter, put your email address in the box below and sign up for it. I maintain control of it myself, so no spam!