Look, I’m not very social, so this whole “social networking” thing is kinda wasted on me. Still, here are the linky-things to the networks I’m on:
Facebook FB and I are no longer speaking terms. Here’s why. (There is a fan page, not maintained by me! MESSAGES LEFT THERE WILL NOT GET TO ME. Shout out to the admins for their awesome, though!)
Twitter is my main hang-out. (ETA 09/20/2023 – For as long as it remains. Elon is sinking it, but I will go down with the ship.)
BlueSky is the lifeboat everyone from Twitter seems to be migrating to, so I’m over there.
Author Instagram Where I probably will only post pictures of book things and follow other writers.
Quilting Instagram Where you can see pictures of my finished quilt projects.
Tumblr is mostly about pretty pictures and knitting for me.
Reddit which I signed up for mostly so I can vote on AITA posts.
Cohost is new to me, but I have a presence there.
Twitch I never post here, but watch what other people make and have an account so I can subscribe and comment. Maybe someday I’ll stream something, but I doubt it.
Pillowfort is a new thing to me, so I’m really just name-squatting over there. It might become a thing at some point.
I’m considering a TikTok, but I am old and grouchy and you kids and your newfangled technology annoy me (get off my lawn).
Everything below I pretty much ignore, but feel free to add or follow or whatever they call it:
Google Plus (G+) Google Plus is no more. It has ceased to be. It is an ex-social media network.
Dreamwidth (The new LJ! This site is supposed to cross-postmirror to DW but the plug-in is no longer being maintained and there isn’t a reliable replacement crossposter yet, so hasn’t updated since 2019, sorry.)
Ello was bought by a weird tech company in 2018. No idea what’s going on there.
Former Livejournal (Note: This site used to mirror to LJ before I moved it to Dreamwidth.)