Five Things Make A Post!
1 – The Evil Auction is over, but we’re still working on coordinating people, payments, and donors, so bear with us on any delays. And there have been a lot of delays. I’m not going to say any more about that. I’m stabby and harried enough as it is.
2 – The second book in the Stranger Things series, Time Heals, is in the final stages of being prepped for release on March 26, so I’m a little busy with that at the moment, too.
3 – I’ve mentioned it before, but my friend Skyla Dawn Cameron is raising money for the MS Walk in her area in May, and she’d appreciate your sponsorship.
4 – There is eviltry afoot. I can’t share it with you right now, but I can tease you with “I know something you don’t know!” Stay tuned. Should be able to announce it in the next couple weeks. A lot of it depends on time and so on, and that’s kind of in short supply at the moment.
5 – This one is kind of cheating, as it’s similar to #4 up there, but it involves tea. That is all.
What? I said, “That is all!” That rant that’s forthcoming? Yeah…I’m still working on that. I’m so busy at the moment I can only growl occasionally when I remember it’s there.