(I’m totally recycling last year’s post. Like I do with the holiday decorations!)
Okay, yes…I’m one of those people who started humming Christmas songs back in October. I know, I know. But I really love the holidays. Halloween used to be my favorite holiday until I came out of my Goth closet and could dress how I wanted to every day of the year and not care about being seen as a freak (for the record, I was 25), but now Christmas is my favorite.
Thanksgiving, however, is not to be overlooked. I mean, a foodie like me ignore a holiday that’s all about FOOD? PIE? LOTS AND LOTS OF PIE?! (Not to mention leftover pie!!) Great. Now I’m hungry. And there are pies in the kitchen. I shouldn’t write about pie before breakfast….
Anyway, what was I writing about? I mean, before my stomach started doing the writing? Oh, yeah! The holiday spirit!
Okay, here’s the deal: I’m making my holiday card list.
Yes, you heard right. No, I’m not too early. It’s nearly Thanksgiving! I mean, by the time I get the list done and cards mailed, I’ll be right on time!
I am setting a deadline for you all, though. If you want to be on my holiday card list, post a comment on my website by Sunday, December 4th (don’t worry, these will be screened!) or e-mail dina [at] dinajames [dot] com with your snail mail addy, and I’ll send you a holiday card. If you got a card from me last year, you’re still on my list, but if you’ve moved, don’t want one, or otherwise changed your address, let me know! I keep the list for subsequent use year to year, but will remind you all yearly to send me any updates. I realize people move about and change names and such.
If you’ve won something from me or I’ve otherwise sent you something in the last year, your name has likely been added to the card list. If you want a card, let me know, because I have them printed up in small batches and need to know how many to order.
If you’re feeling in the holiday spirit yourself and would like to return the favor, here’s my address:
Dina James
P.O. Box 574
Astoria, OR 97103
Happy Sithmas!