Hello, my darklings!
So, remember the Shiny Things I promised earlier this year?
Well, yeah. Here you go. Special thanks to Skyla Dawn Cameron for the promo graphic and encouragement, as well as my cadre of enablers.
This is the complete collection of the Destrati stories, now available on multiple platforms. Originally I just offered them one place, but with Skyla’s aid, it’s much more accessible.
You can get the Kindle version here (also available in print if that’s your thing like it is mine).
The Kobo version is here.
iTunes and others are forthcoming. I’ll update this post as soon as they are.
As said in the linked post above, other things are in the works, so keep a lookout for those in a month or so.
This is meant to tide you over until then. If you’ve already read the Destrati stories, you’ve got this collection already. It’s just now all in one place.
See you all soon!