Hi, all!
Just a quick note to say thank you to those who have pre-ordered Death Knell! I know you’re waiting patiently and I so appreciate that. With all the chaos that’s been going on lately I’m trying hard to right the ship and get this book out. You all deserve the best book I’m capable of writing, and I’m going to need just a little extra time for that. I have the new release date set for Saturday, Feb 18, (that was as long of an extension I could manage without incurring penalties), and I will kick ass to make that official. If I get it done sooner, I will.
Plans are:
– Address the edits detailed in the wonderful edit letter from my Editor of Awesome (I was in the middle of this when things went sideways here in the James Household. I’m back on track now, for the most part.)
– Send updated manuscript back to Editor of Awesome for quick once over to make sure the edits are cohesive and formatting of ebook
– Send editor-approved manuscript to beta for a quick read-through for proofing and content screen (she has an uncanny knack for catching inconsistencies and contradictions in addition to typos and formatting errors)
– Quick read-through of proofed MS for anything the proofer caught
– Send polished MS to Editor for evolution to final form
– Release book into the wild for your reading pleasure.
All this should be done in the next few weeks, with the first part taking the longest as I have to finish the edits. Most of it is just shoring up weak spots and tightening the screws in other places, because my Editor of Awesome is always right (this is a proven fact).
So again, if you’ve pre-ordered, sorry again for the delay, but I really need the time and Death Knell will be better for it. which means you’ll enjoy it more. I know the wait has been long, and I appreciate you all understanding this little bit of extra breathing room I need. Thank you again for your patience while I get shit done.
Now back to work.