Yet another SOPA post. This one is just to remind regular readers of my blog that my site, along with thousands of others, will be going dark tomorrow in protest of SOPA and PIPA. If you’re not familiar with what these things are, click here and see what all this is about.
There’s more about it here:
Just a quick reminder. See you when this is over. For awhile anyway. If this bill passes, I may not be seeing you at all, ever again.
So if the internet is important to you, get involved. You know I hate politics. This isn’t politics. This is the criminalization of innocent people (like me) in order to punish a few assholes. This is Hollywood studios not wanting to get off their lazy asses and spend the money to go after these fuckwads on their own. Instead they’ll spend billions of dollars in lobbying Congress and the Senate to pass these stupid bills because they think it’s better to punish everyone to get their way instead of doing what “regular people” like me and you do in order to stop online piracy. You know, sending notices and so on. Tracking down pirates. Whatever. There are already laws designed to protect the copyright holders and stop online piracy.
I’ll stop ranting now. Enjoy it. It might be one of the last rants you hear from me. Freedom of speech is under attack, so if you like my rants, scream at your Congressperson/Senator. TELL THEM YOU WANT YOUR DINA RANTS!
That is all.