The land of kilts and pipes was amazing, and I’m very glad to be home. I’ll have more later, but here’s the short version:
– Jetlag is a bitch
– I have lots of pictures, some of which I’ll share eventually
– I have lots of email to catch up on
– I have lots of snail mail to sort through
– I have lots of phone calls to return and people to visit
– I ruptured my left eardrum on the flight home, so that’s been fun to deal with
My animals are all alive and well. We had a house/pet-sitter stay with them, and despite their various issues and medications, didn’t have any problems or make her crazy.
Mostly I’m tired, grouchy, and have a lot to do, so things are going to be slow for awhile until I catch up on everything that piled up while I was away. Three weeks is a long time to be away from home, and a lot of things offline need to be sorted out before I can get to the online stuff, so my presence will still be spotty for awhile. I hope to have everything back on track by the end of the month.
Jetlag suuuuuuuuuuuucks….
Jennifer says
YAY!!! I can’t wait to hear about all you got to do!!! Did you see that parade we were talking about?? Do you have pictures?? Were there hot, kilted menfolk?? Did you find a leprechaun?? Sorry, wrong country… I’ll stop now. 🙂
Glad you’re back, hope you had tons of fun. I’ll be over *there*, waiting for the rest and the tea to kick in.
Jennifer would like to draw your attention to…I WONDER… Wednesday – Anticipation…