We interrupt the de-Gothening posts to bring you a special bulletin….
I want to give a disclaimer/warning here: this post is going to talk about abuse and other graphic things. There will be language and other disturbing imagery, so if you’re sensitive to that kind of thing, this post isn’t for you. Go read a webcomic or watch cute kitten videos on YouTube. This post is also going to talk about self-publishing, so if you have Strong Opinions on the subject, might want to skip it. This is your only warning.
This post is going to be long, so go use the bathroom and get something to drink before you start reading.
Ready? Here we go.
I wasn’t going to devote time to this, but after discussion with a few others I’ve decided it’s important to bring this incident to light.
Yours truly has joined the ranks of the female authors who have been harassed and threatened by asshats behind a computer.
Now, you all know me. I don’t whine. I don’t fucking care if someone calls me names.
I do care when someone threatens me or my family, and as my comment policy says, I do not respond well to threats.
Comments are closed on this post because I know I’m probably going to get some other asshats trolling me for posting this, because asshats are asshats and they’re fucking cowards who like to make a mess of things, but the reason they flourish is because we let them get away with being asshats. Because no one says anything. Because people have been taught not to rock the boat. Ignore it and they’ll leave. Not to fight back.
Well you know what?
That’s not what I was taught.
I was taught to fight back. I was taught a great many things. To borrow a line from the Black Widow in The Avengers, “I have a specific skill set.” Someone threatens me or my loved ones, or even exhibits signs that they might be thinking about it (and there are signs, if you know what to look for), I end it. I have been exceedingly lucky ending things before they become real problems because of this particular skill set.
Moral of the story here – I am not one with which to fuck. Not even in fun. I do not have the usual “fun” reactions to being jumped out at or any other practical jokes. Even coming up behind me is a bad idea. There are people who can vouch for this.
I don’t like bullies. I don’t like abusers. I don’t like people who think they’re badasses for hurting those less powerful than they (animals, kids, women, their domestic partner).
I have a special level of dislike for weakness, whining, and cowardice, and online bullying/harassment is just that. Weak, whining, cowardice. What am I talking about?
I’m going to go chronological here, not only for the record, but because it makes the most sense that way. Also, I’m deliberately naming the individual involved, not only because my comment policy says I claim the right to do so, but because it’s anonymity that allows this shit to go on. Also, if anyone else hears from this classy individual, they’ll know his history of douchebaggery.
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at approximately 5:15PM Pacific Standard Time (PST), I received an unsolicited email (meaning “I didn’t ask for this person to contact me”) from a person who had found my “How To Be A Professional Writer” page.
(For the purposes of this post, Asshat’s text will be in italics, while my responses will be in bold.)
The text of the mail in its entirety:
Subject line: Professional Writer
Tena koe Dina:
My name is Moemoea and I am an Independent Film Maker from Aotearoa (New
Zealand). I am also a professional published writer. Of course you
will disagree with this, as you state very clearly in your website
article, ‘How to be a professional writer’, that if you self-publish,
this does NOT make a person a professional writer. I disagree 100%.
Why? Because I have self-published all of my own books, one of which,
‘Tino Rangatiratanga – Maori Sovereignty’ was a medium sized best
seller, selling 1,000 copies. Now I realize that may not be a lot of
copies in your country (I am not to sure, but are you from America?),
but in mine, selling 1,000 copies is considered a medium best seller
(and I would have sold more, but that is all I ordered, plus not long I
sold them gave writing up to become a full time Film Maker). So to me,
the fact I was able to make a sustainable living for six months (which
is how long it took me to sell my books on a nationwide book tour) from
the sale of my SELF-PUBLISHED books totally debunks your ludicrous
statement that you are not a professional writer if you self-publish. I
mean, you yourself say if you are paid for your writing, then you are a
Finally. Not to be pedantic, but you have a spelling mistake in the
first sentence of your article. You do not have a ‘I’ in a place where
it should be, ‘If you’re here, it’s probably because you want to know
about writing, and think I can offer some helpful advice on “how to be a
writer.’ It should be, ‘…and ‘I’ think I can offer…
–Director Moemoea
Moemoea Movie Studios
Now, a lot of people would have just rolled their eyes and deleted the mail. But there was a second one just after it with the subject line “Oops.”
Tena koe Dina:
I double checked my email (after I sent it to you! Ha ha ha…Jokes) and
found that I also made some grammar mistakes. I said, ‘Plus not long I
sold them gave writing up to become a full time Film Maker’, which
should of course say, Plus not long after I sold them I gave…’.
Ha ha ha…quite funny alright, that is pointing out your ONE error,
while I had TWO!
Okay. So. Someone contacts me about a page on my website, spent time composing a mail, is mostly polite…I’ll respond to that. I waited until that evening when I had time to sit down and devote time and effort to a response, and this is what I wrote:
Dear Moemoea,
I will address your two emails line by line as I tend to do with the longer emails I receive, so I don’t miss addressing any of your points. Your text is in black while my responses are in blue. [Note: For the purposes of this blog post, my responses will be in bold.] Following my responses to your mail will be my comments. Let’s begin.
Tena koe Dina:
“Dear” would have sufficed here as this is correspondence, not meeting me in person, and it’s a little informal given I haven’t had any previous contact with you, but as this is apparently Maori for “dear” and is used when greeting one person, I’ll take it as it was (hopefully) intended.
My name is Moemoea and I am an Independent Film Maker from Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Okay, you have some Random Capitalization there. Totally unnecessary. You’re an “independent filmmaker.” (“Filmmaker” is one word.)
I am also a professional published writer.
No, you aren’t. I’m relatively certain a professional writer doesn’t feel the need to email random people and argue about their status as a professional writer. Also, under what name do you publish professionally? With which house? Which imprint? Who is your agent?
Of course you will disagree with this,
Just did.
as you state very clearly in your website article, ‘How to be a professional writer’, that if you self-publish, this does NOT make a person a professional writer. I disagree 100%. Why? Because I have self-published all of my own books, one of which, ‘Tino Rangatiratanga – Maori Sovereignty’ was a medium sized best seller, selling 1,000 copies.
Continuing the grammar and spelling nitpickery (since apparently that’s a thing we’re doing given your emails), “medium sized” needs a hyphen and “bestseller” is one word when referring to sales numbers.
So, your argument here is that you’re a professional writer because you self-published? And because you sold 1000 copies of a book that you wrote and paid to have published? Am I clear on this? Let me go through it again:
You wrote a book, uploaded it to a print service, had 1000 copies printed (which you yourself paid for), then sold all 1000 of them to people in order to make back the money you spent getting them printed, plus a little extra to live on?
If that’s how it worked, that is not professional writing – that is reimbursement for a product you created. You were not paid to write that book. You wrote that book yourself, paid for it to be printed, then sold the copies you paid for at a price that covered your original investment plus a little extra.
Am I correct?
You see, Moemoea, while you spent a bit of time on my website reading my article about “how to be a professional writer,” you seem to have missed the part where I talk about money coming from the publisher to the author. You were not paid to write. You paid to write. This makes you a self-published author, not a professional writer.
That is the fundamental difference between a professional (one who is paid to write) and an amateur (one who has not attained paid status). An argument could be made for someone else giving you money to live on while you wrote your book, but that still doesn’t make you a professional. Unless a publisher pays you for writing/to write your book, you are not a professional writer. That’s it. If you are the publisher, you are still not a professional – you’re self-published (or as the kids are incorrectly calling it these days, “indie,” which you probably like better given you’re an indie filmmaker). You can’t pay yourself and be a professional. That would be like me calling myself a “professional hockey player” because I bought my own hockey gear and paid a skating rink to let me smack the puck around the ice. But I digress.
Now I realize that may not be a lot of copies in your country
That’s not a lot of copies for any country, in any genre, fiction or non.
(I am not to sure, but are you from America?),
You have an incorrect usage of “to” there. It’s “too” in this instance.
You were on my website and visited my contact page to get my email address and you didn’t see my mailing address just below it listing my country? Clearly you missed it, or you wouldn’t have needed to ask, so I’ll answer it here for you. Yes, I’m from the United States. Oregon, to be precise.
but in mine, selling 1,000 copies is considered a medium best seller
“Bestseller” is one word when referring to sales numbers. Also, there’s no such thing as a “medium bestseller.” You’re either a bestseller or you aren’t. There aren’t degrees of bestsellers. Maybe there are for self-published titles, but not for commercially (professionally, or more colloquially “traditionally”) published ones. But maybe it’s different in NZ. Oh, wait… here it is: “There are four tiers on the list – platinum, gold, silver and bronze. To qualify for the bronze list a fiction book needs to have life sales of at least 5000 copies in New Zealand; a non-fiction book 10,000 copies [emphasis mine]. The threshold for the platinum tier is 50,000 (fiction) and 100,000 (non-fiction). Successful books get to wear a sticker on the cover proclaiming their success.” (source link broken to get around spam filters [Note: restored for the purposes of this post.] – http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=10795520)
According to that source, 1000 copies wouldn’t make any kind of bestseller in any category. Add another zero and you’d be in the bronze category. So the question now is…were you misinformed, deliberately attempting to mislead/impress me, or did you think I wouldn’t research your information? Or was I supposed to be in awe of your greatness? (Note: That didn’t happen.)
(and I would have sold more, but that is all I ordered, plus not long I sold them gave writing up to become a full time Film Maker).
Nitpickery – you’ve already addressed your missing word here and I point out again that “filmmaker” is one word and not Randomly Capitalized. And you consider yourself a professional writer?
So here you clearly state (or “freely admit,” whichever you prefer) that you did indeed order 1000 copies. Most businesses want reimbursement for such orders, so unless this was some kind of nepotism thing where a friend or family member owned a print-on-demand business and printed them for you at no charge, you did not obtain those copies for free via your publisher, ergo, you paid for them, you were not paid to write them. You were reimbursed for a product you had made and delivered and sold yourself. Do I have that correct?
So to me, the fact I was able to make a sustainable living for six months (which is how long it took me to sell my books on a nationwide book tour) from the sale of my SELF-PUBLISHED books totally debunks your ludicrous statement that you are not a professional writer if you self-publish.
Actually, it doesn’t. It just proves it. Also, you didn’t have to CAPS LOCK “self-published.” I was already very aware of the fact that you were talking about your self-published books. But that’s nitpicking.
Further, I am seriously not impressed with anything in your statement. No criticism to New Zealand intended, but “nationwide” in New Zealand is just over the square mileage of my state alone. The entire population of New Zealand is about the same as my entire state. There are roughly fifteen cities in NZ with a population greater than 30,000, so again, “nationwide” doesn’t exactly mean what you intend it to mean there.
What this means to me is, you loaded up your van with boxes of your books and signed them at any bookstore or location that would let you set up a table. If you sold 1000 books in six months, this is roughly 167 books per month, or 42 books a week, or 8 books a day (five days a week – I gave you two days for travel).
I am still not impressed with your self-published sales numbers, or your need to inform me of them.
I mean, you yourself say if you are paid for your writing, then you are a professional.
Exactly. That is exactly what I said. You were not paid for your writing. You were reimbursed for a product you had made. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but you were not paid by a publisher to write that book – you paid to have it published. You were not under professional contract to write that book – you wrote it all by yourself, paid to have it printed, then sold the copies to others. This is not professional writing.
Further, everything in that article is my opinion or my personal experience with professional/commercial publishing industry practices. Some writers share my opinion, others don’t. Some literary agents share it, others don’t. You don’t have to share it, or even agree with it. It is not going to make any difference to me whatsoever if you agree with it or not. I will not lose any sleep over it. My feelings will not be hurt, nor will my life be altered by the fact that Someone On The Internet Disagrees With Me (Random Capitalization intended).
The article is about how to be a professional writer. “Professional,” as in “be paid for your writing,” not “pay to publish.” You have paid to publish. This does not make you a professional writer. It makes you a self-published author. (Note: Though the terms are used interchangeably, the colloquially accepted difference between “writer” and “author” is that one is published [author] and one is not [writer]. You are a published author [self], but you are not a professional writer. That’s clear enough from your e-mails.)
Finally. Not to be pedantic, but you have a spelling mistake in the first sentence of your article. You do not have a ‘I’ in a place where it should be, ‘If you’re here, it’s probably because you want to know about writing, and think I can offer some helpful advice on “how to be a writer.’ It should be, ‘…and ‘I’ think I can offer…
Um, no, I don’t have a spelling mistake in the first sentence. I don’t “think I can offer some helpful advice.” The sentence is addressing the reader. The sentence is stating what the reader is thinking, not what I am thinking. Written another way, it would be, “If you’re here, it’s probably because you want to know about writing and YOU think I can offer some helpful advice.”
I can understand why you thought that was an error, but I assure you, it’s written as I intended it to be. Thank you, though, for pointing out your issue with the comprehension.
Also, had it been an error, it would have been a typographical omission, not a “spelling mistake.”
Kia-ora. [Note: This is a Maori salutation meaning “be well.”]
And you.
Email 2:
Tena koe Dina:
I double checked my email (after I sent it to you! Ha ha ha…Jokes)
Hello again, Unnecessary Random Capitalization.
And found that I also made some grammar mistakes. I said, ‘Plus not long I sold them gave writing up to become a full time Film Maker’, which should of course say, Plus not long after I sold them I gave…’.
Ha ha ha…quite funny alright,
Despite colloquial usage, “alright” isn’t a word professional writers use. It’s “all right.”
that is pointing out your ONE error, while I had TWO!
Oh, you had a few more than that. I pointed most of them out for you. Also, yours wasn’t a grammar mistake, it was a typographical omission. When a correction is offered, one generally bolds/underlines/italicizes the correction for clarity. A professional writer would know that. For the record, another thing professional writers do is proofread things before they send them out.
Again, and you.
Now, let’s get down to the commentary part of this email, shall we? You’ve clearly been to my website and spent some time reading it. It looks like you missed both the comment policy page (that states I reserve the right to blog/post/publicly address any contact anyone makes with me, including via email) and my “about” page, which disclaims that I am mostly evil and have zero tolerance for rudeness, idiocy, or stupidity. Though your email was, for the most part, very polite, there are some excellent teaching moments in it for my fans on the subject of self-publishing versus professional writing. This email (including my responses) will possibly be the focus of a future blog post addressing the issue yet again, though with certain details redacted as I am not keen on setting my fans on people or giving undue attention to those individuals.
I notice you have “director” and your name in your signature line. That, to me, is precisely the egotistical style I’ve come to expect from self-published writers. Is that there to reassure yourself that you’re a director, or inform anyone you write from that email account that you’re the one in charge?
Further, if you must include it, your title (“director”) should come after your name, not before it. If you have one, it should come after the surname. For example, “Dina James, Chronicler of the Paranormal.” The way it is now, it would be like me signing my mails with “Author Dina.” Not very professional, that. I’m pointing this out as you seem very concerned with being taken as a professional, and it’s a small step you could take toward professionalism.
Lastly, as I said above, it should not matter to you one bit what I, a tiny little author in the big sea of professional publication, thinks about you or your chosen method of publication. Clearly being taken seriously as a professional matters to you (as you searched for how to be a professional writer), and that is between you and your ego. It does not matter how many self-published books you have sold. If you have not been paid by a publisher to write, you are not a professional writer. Further, if writing is not your profession (paid, mind you), you are not a professional writer. If you want to be a professional writer (again, be paid to write, not reimbursed for a product you paid to have made), I refer you again to the article which so offended you.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your thoughts.
By the time I finished that mail and sent it out, it was 11:10PM PST. Now, New Zealand (where this fine specimen of humanity lives) is roughly seventeen hours ahead of my time zone. This means that my 11PM is their 6PM THE FOLLOWING DAY. So my 11PM Tuesday night mail arrived in his inbox at his 6PM Wednesday night. I had an early morning, so after responding I went to bed.
The following day when I got home from my errantry, I checked my email.
FIFTY-ONE messages from this man were waiting for me. All of them were subject lines only, with no body text save his attached signature. Here are the subject lines – in order, all sic (meaning “exactly as written”) – with the time stamps (PST/NZT):
12:12AM/7:12PM Thursday – Ha ha ha…Loser
12:13/7:13 – Learn to spell imbecile
12:14/7:14 – Professional Moron you mean?
12:15/7:15 – Idiot
12:17/7:17 – Chump
12:17/7:17 – Mug
12:18/7:18 – Paranormal Monkey you mean? Ha ha ha.
12:18/7:18 – Mug
12:18/7:18 – Clown
12:19/7:18 – Buffon [sic]
12:19/7:19 – Slut
12:19/7:19 – Whore
12:19/7:19 – Bitch
12:20/7:20 – Cunt
12:22/7:22 – Ha ha ha…Now…anything else you want to add ‘Paranormal Professional Imbecile?’
12:24/7:24 – Remember to put the ‘I’ in place next time? Ok ‘Professional Writer’. [sic]
12:25/7:25 – Also…redo your website…it is crap (like your writing).
12:25/7:25 – Lucky for you…you are a woman and you live overseas a chump (oops I meant champ…my bad)
12:27/7:27 – Your Mother and Father should have strangled you at birth…or taught you manners.
12:27/7:27 – Any comebacks bitch? If so, BACK YOUR SHIT UP!
12:32/7:32 – 🙂 Now I feel better letting off some ‘steam’…thanks for that Professional Writer 🙂 [sic]
12:53/7:52 – If I ever see you in person…well…we will have a nice ‘cup of tea together’ ha ha ha. [sic]
12:54/7:52 – You are a fucken disgrace to all professional writers you Goth cunt
12:55/7:55 – Let me know if you ever come to this country cunt
12:55/7:55 – You wanna disrespect people Goth cunt? Back your fucken shit up bitch.
12:56/7:56 – Muthafucken Goth Whore Cunt…ha ha ha…that feels better
12:57/7:57 – Now I feel better…please reply and you will get HEAPS back 🙂
12:57/7:57 – Take care my friend
12:57/7:57 – And remember it’s a dangerous world out there…
1:04/8:04 – Also Goth cunt…tell me to my face I ain’t a professional writer…seriously
1:04/8:04 – This is not over bitch…it is just beginning
1:05/8:05 – I will track down your address and phone number
1:05/8:05 – I will find out where you live
1:06/8:06 – And you will fucken apologize for disrespecting me cunt…PROMISE!
1:24/8:24 – UTU! [apparently this is Maori revenge-seeking cry]
1:24/8:24 – UTU!
1:24/8:24 – UTU!
1:25/8:25 – UTU!
1:25/8:25 – UTU!
1:25/8:25 – UTU!
1:25/8:25 – UTU!
1:26/8:26 – UTU!
1:26/8:26 – UTU!
1:27/8:27 – UTU!
1:28/8:28 – I will wipe my ass with your words cunt!
1:37/8:37 – I promise you that I will make you 100% accountable for your disrespect….
1:42/8:42 – You fucken disrespectful piece of fucken Goth shit…Cunt! [sic]
1:44/8:44 – And why call yourself a ‘professional writer’ when u cannot even spell properly cunt? [sic]
(Yes, the smilies were his, not mine. Do I ever use smilies?)
Remember what I said earlier about not responding well to threats?
Yeah, that. So, I wrote him back. I sent the following on Wednesday, August 13 at 2:30PM PST (9:30AM Thursday the 14th in NZ):
Dear Director Moemoea,
I see you spent over an hour last night composing over 50 emails to me with varying degrees of threatening or insulting subject lines. I would have replied sooner, but New Zealand is over 17 hours ahead of me time-wise, and so your 7PM is my midnight the previous day, so I didn’t get your mails until a couple hours ago. It was such a joy waking up to those this morning. Thank you for taking the time to write each and every one.
While I can’t address each one individually, I will reply to a few of my favorites:
12:25AM Wed (my time)/7:25PM Thurs (your time)
Subject Line: “Also…redo your website…it is crap (like your writing).”
Oh, you’ve read my writing then? Thank you! I do love hearing from my international fans. I have a few in both AUS and NZ.
12:25/7:25 – Lucky for you…you are a woman and you live overseas a chump (oops I meant champ…my bad)
Why is my being a woman lucky for me? Because otherwise you’d do more than verbally abuse me? I assure you…my gender has no bearing whatsoever on my ability to respond to abuse of any kind, and your gender does nothing to alter my perception of you.
12:27/7:27 – Any comebacks bitch? If so, BACK YOUR SHIT UP!
Well, not at half-past midnight my time! I had an early morning and was in bed. Your email was the last thing I addressed before I retired, as you were kind enough to mail me with your thoughts and opinions. I thought you wanted my thoughts and opinions in return, but apparently you wanted me to bow before you and thank you for showing me the error of my ways in not considering self-published authors to be professional writers. While there are some professional writers who self-publish, they are few and far between, and they self-publish short stories and other things in addition to their professional writing. But I digress. I’m addressing the “back your shit up” comment in your email.
Did you not see I provided a source link for the fact I quoted about the NZ bestseller lists? I even broke it for you so it wouldn’t get caught in your spam filter. I thought that was rather polite of me.
Which brings me to another point I want to address here – disrespect.
I’m sorry, but you seem to think I disrespected you by replying to your mail.
Did I come into your house, get in your face, and tell you that your opinions are “ludicrous?” Did I find your website on the internet, contact you, and inform you that you are Wrong About Something and tell you why I think so, tell you how great I am, then call you a bunch of disgusting names for over an hour when you replied to me giving your reasoning for those thoughts and opinions?
Oh, wait…YOU did those things. And you want to talk about “disrespect?”
I replied to your mail. Politely. Line by line so I didn’t miss anything. I didn’t call you names – I pointed out facts.
I didn’t have to reply to your mail. Either of them. I could have just read them, rolled my eyes, and left it at that. I didn’t have to spend my time researching links so I could speak eloquently on a subject that was obviously important to you, but I did that. Then you turn around and insult me for doing it. You are not one to talk about disrespect here.
As for your threats, you do not frighten me. My address is right there on my website. Anytime you want to book a flight to the Pacific Northwest, I will happily give you directions to my house. (For the record, flying into Seattle is cheaper than flying into Portland, just so you know.) If you’re serious about your threat about meeting me in person, I will absolutely be sure and let you know when I’m next down that way. As I said, I have friends in that area and Down Under is on my list for next fall. There’s a writer’s conference I’ve been asked to attend.
Now, this is all the time I’m going to give you from now on. Any response you may have will be redirected by my mail server to the trash can, as I am not going to reply to any more of your vitriol. I thought we were going to have a polite, intelligent conversation about the differences between professional and self-publishing (as your email was mostly polite), but you have just proven yourself to have the precise attitude I’ve come to expect from independent authors. You’re insulting, demeaning, and use threats and name-calling whenever anyone disagrees with you, and I am through dealing with your attitude. Your IP address is also logged and will be banned from visiting my website.
Thank you again for all your responses. I appreciate the time you took to write them all. For your reference, below is a copy of them, in case you forgot what you wrote. Please print out a copy and show your mother what you wrote to a little Goth author you thought disrespected you. I’m sure she’ll be proud.
Do not contact me in any way ever again. Not even to apologize. I don’t want to hear it even if you did wish to offer one for your disgusting behavior.
For your records:
51 subject-line replies back (in order – sic [which means “exactly as written” i.e. “exactly how you wrote it”])
[copy of the above list]
As said in my response, I banned his IP from my website, and reported his issues to both his ISP and the mail service he used to threaten me.
Friends of Awesome have assisted me in finding out more about this charming individual, and I will list his details here for anyone to put on their List of Asshats.
This man’s name is Moemoea Mohoawhenua. His G+ page is here, where he exhibits his clear disdain for Americans, the police, and Caucasians. He also has a Facebook page (which I will not link to as FB and I have our differences, but if you’re that curious I’m sure you can find him) where he posts charming photos of his easily-identifiable self. He is the founder of a father’s rights political party, and blogs about being charged and convicted of breaching a protection order [sic]:
“At the moment I am not allowed ANY contact with my Kotiro at all. I consider that to me manifestly inhumane and the only reason I am choosing to abide by such reprehensible and draconian conditions, is because I love my Kotiro and if I were to break them, imprisonment would be immediate and my fight for my Kotiro would be put on hold indefinitely.”
“I get sentenced tomorrow and may be looking at whareherehere (slave camps, or what the Tauiwi Judges call ‘prisons’ to ease their dark consciences). Nine years is the maximum sentence. My ‘crime’ three breeches of a ‘protection order’ all revolving around dropping off and picking up my beloved Kotiro. I take full responsibility for my verbally violent abuse. However, it would be good if Tiahowaiwai’s Mother accepted responsibility for her actions as well. Anyway, judgement day tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but, I will continue loving my Kotiro and seeking her highest good. Fuck the police. And fuck the ‘Judges’…and what a joke…you become a ‘judge’ cause you study some Pakeha pieces of crap paper? Still, I will play the game, as my Kotiro comes first, rather than my utu”
Does anyone else find it disturbing that he refers to his daughter as though she were his property? He also posts photos of himself and his young daughter, who is apparently the subject of dispute when it comes to his protection order. Apparently he was also the co-owner and manager of a now-defunct escort service.
It’s abundantly clear that this man is a MRA – Men’s Rights Activist. He shows clear disdain for authority and for women…basically for anyone who dares tell him how to behave or what to do. You know who else was a MRA? That douchebag asshat who shot a bunch of women in California recently.
This New Zealand man is so full of hate and rage for the world in which he lives. He is a miserable excuse for a human being and needs some serious therapy.
And by “therapy,” I mean “cognitive recalibration.”
So that’s my little adventure this week. Again, comments on this post are closed, as this is for informational and record-keeping purposes only. Anyone searching for this man should be able to find this blog post. Maybe his mom, or wife, or whomever he’s harassing next, or the police looking into his issues. His sentencing was delayed a month from July 31, so he’s due to be sentenced in a couple weeks. Here’s hoping they give him the nine years in the “slave camp” he describes. Maybe he’ll have some time then to sit in the corner and think about what he’s done.
And maybe he’ll realize that some people don’t take shit from anyone.
The “I’m evil” thing isn’t a joke or a persona or a threat…it’s a warning.
“Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.” – Anonymous