So it begins.
The Evil Auction is now open! We’re still taking donations, but you can bid now. Also, if you spread the word, there’s pretty shinies in it for you!
We have AMAZING things from so many wonderful people. Signed books by NYT Bestselling authors! KNITTED EVIL! Tea! CHOCOLATE! Art! Writerly goodness!
And lots, lots more! With more on the way.
The support for this fundraiser has been amazing. Thank you all again for your donations of time, money, items and whatnot. We couldn’t have done this without all of you, and I’d appreciate your pimping this auction on every social media outlet you have. Please, spread the word. If you have a blog, blog it (and go pick up your pretty shiny at the “Share” page on the Evil Auction site). Twitter, Facebook, your own website. Anything!
Let’s be bad guys. We’ve already made several people cry with this fundraiser. LET’S MAKE ‘EM SOB UNCONTROLLABLY.
Move ’em out, people. We got work to do!